‘Mongolian Throat Singing’ by Step into the Nightmare #GuestBlog (this person is hugely amusing and crafty)

Step Into The Nightmare

You mess with the bull, you get the horns.

Mongolian throat singing – 2 random Mongolian dudes:

You’ve disappointed me deeply tonight.

Look what you made me POST?

Look what you’re DOING TO US?

Frankly, I don’t know if I can recover from this.

I hope you’re all happy with yourselves.

You’ve let the blog down.

You’ve let your schools down.

You’ve let your families down.

But worst of all, you’ve let yourselves down.


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2 thoughts on “‘Mongolian Throat Singing’ by Step into the Nightmare #GuestBlog (this person is hugely amusing and crafty)

    1. This blog is for me to share and give whatever I enjoy so don’t worry. A good eye will help you, a bad one will try to copy you but never hide your blueprints. I did, because I was a coward. Because I was giving my work to someone else and only have myself to blame for putting trust into the wrong place for many years. He wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire. If I can help you I will. I believe we should help others over come our own downfalls. Everyone deserves a chance. Me and my son were living off stale bread so the pets could eat. Truly.

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