‘Poster by Rebekah Gillian | Freelance Writer ● Autistic Lifestyle Blogger’ – Tiffany Belle Harper

Some facts here about the broadly often misunderstood topic of Autism that we all need to tread with more gently. Seen too much nastiness towards those who are special and sadly, often instigated by those in seemingly high places. Needs to be addressed.

If you cannot be kind then shut the fuck up. We don’t need nastiness in the playground. It also amazes me how parents can treat others the way they would not want their kids to be treated. Hardly a good example. Being thoughtful and aware (to me) is more prevalent in those regarded lower class too. Who seem to spend more time in the community than pretending to live a life they do not, behind closed posh doors. There should be no stigma with autism.

Tiffany Belle Harper


Social Media is About Engagement NOT Popularity. Tiffany Belle Harper

I made this video when I became concerned about the amount of people who use Social Media in a virtual state of silence, due to not feeling able to interact or get involved for fear of retribution.

There are many folk using the internet at varying stages of personal growth and it’s the quieter people that often have the greatest voice.

Find them, include them, show empathy. Avoid narcissism and main stream objectives that will have no use to your own expressive growth or manifestation.

We are living in a world that puts all freedom in to boxes. Walk freely, write blogs, play music, get out with nature. Do not be drawn in to anything that will suppress you.

There’s no such thing as ‘a quiet soul’ in the Galactic Hemisphere. We are ALL leaving our footprints.

Tiffany Belle Harper x